
Auto Herb Grinder & Joint Roller




420 Chronic shop

420 Chronic’s Auto Herb Grinder & Joint Roller

Great Herb Grinder and Pre Rolled Cone filling machine!

Just need this one device to Grind, and Fill your Cones.

Let our Auto Grind and Joint Roller take out the  hard work for you, while you wait only 30 seconds for the perfect filled joint out there.

EZ to use, Just put some nugs into the top grinder area, then put your empty cone into the bottom base, and power up!

Takes about 30 seconds to fill a cone or less.

Power Button and Battery Life on top.

Grinds lumpy nuggets, all other types of flower you want your joint filled with.

Built-in funnel for your Pre Rolled Cone to fill up the grinded product.

Portable and light.  Cleaning brushes, and rechargeable USB plug included.